Then I looked over the recapped chassis and found only a minor problem with the new filter cap placement and fixed that. |
I then did a visual examination of the whole radio and noticed that the volume control wires that were running through a braided ground strap had one of the wires cut. I replaced the wire and decided to test the other one for a short to ground Sure enough, the rubber insulation had crumbled on the wire shorting it to the braid and then to ground. The wire refused to be removed from the braid so I ran another line outside the braid to replace it. Obviously the braid is used for shielding, and since that type of metal braid is hard to find I'll just wrap a little tinfoil around the wires and it'll do the same thing. I then slowly powered up the radio with a variac and when turned on the radio squealed. I turned the radio off and noticed that the pilot lamp stayed lit! Hmmm, that didn't look good. I tested the on/off switch with an ohm meter and found that there was a partial short when in the off position. The schematic showed the switch-volume control was 500K. I purchased a replacement from RadioDaze, (I also ordered the tubes from them). It came in two parts that you put together yourself. It was real simple to do and cost me about $2.50. It came with a long shaft that was easy to cut to the length needed. All in all it was an easy fix. | |
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I also looked over the tube 'extension' that was plugged into the 12J7GT socket that the tube was then plugged into. I couldn't see any reason for it, so I removed the extension. I then brought up power slowly once again. This time no squeal, but I received nothing when the tuning dial was turned. I did get one station when the middle button was pushed, so I cleaned the push button contacts with DeoxIT, I love that stuff, and tried the radio again. Success! I received plenty of good sounding stations. |
Ok, that's it. It was a partial restore, but needed a little more work. And with a little help this gem Silvertone is playing the sweet sound of music once again. Just as this radio was originally made to do. |
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